
Showing posts from October, 2022

Protect, Detect, and Respond in Minutes

But, of course, the convenience of connected data also means threats from bad actors can do a lot of damage. Cybersecurity initiatives are essential to protecting our data and thus, our way of life. In his March 31, 2021 speech, Secretary Mayorkas stressed the need for senior leaders to focus on strategic, on-the-horizon challenges and emerging technology. He specifically highlighted the importance of the transition to post-quantum encryption algorithms pointing out that the transition is as much dependent on the development of such algorithms as it is on their adoption. While the former is already ongoing, planning for the latter remains in its infancy. The government and industry must prepare for it now to protect the confidentiality of data that already exists today and remains sensitive in the future. They may exist for many reasons, including by original design or poor configuration. They may have been added by an authorized party to allow some legitimate access, or by an atta

Free eBooks

Creating an ebook is all about delivering high value at a low price point to generate a high sales volume. Your ebook should be available for download through a landing page on your site. A landing page is a web page that promotes/describes your offer and provides a form that visitors need to fill out with their contact information to access your ebook. They are generally cheaper than paperbacks, costing between £2 and £6. There is no delivery charge and, if you're downloading them on to your computer, the software is free. Plans to bring the cost down even further are being considered. OneSearch jump-starts your research by giving you a single place to begin looking for articles. Digital publishing and print on demand have significantly reduced the cost of producing a book. "The European Union has decided that EBOOK s are really books, after all". According to the Association of American Publishers 2018 annual report, ebooks accounted for 12.4% of the total trade r